
Dhamma Study Certificate Program

Elementary Dhamma Study

Course Title: The History of Buddha

Dhamma Study Project (Nakdhamma) for Gerneral Public

is organized by The Sangha of Chiang Mai Province, Thailand

1. Instructor

(1) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut

(2) Phra Somboon Thanaveero

(3) Dr. Pissit Kotrasutpho

(4) Dr. Detcha Talanuk

2. Classroom & Meeting Time Location

Room……. Wat Suan Dok, Chiang Mai

Room…….. The International Buddhist Study and Vipassana Meditation Center

Via Zoom Program:…………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Objectives of the Course

The aim of this course is to study the origin and significance of the life of the Buddha. Exploring the life of the Buddha is valuable in fostering faith and applying the Buddha’s moral teaching to lead a happy and contented life in society.

4. Course Description

This course covers the history of the Buddha, divided into 13 sections: 1. The Indian Subcontinent and It’s People, 2. Sakya Clan and Sakyans 3. The Buddha’s Birth, 4. Renunciation, 5. Enlightenment, 6. First Sermon, 7. The Spread of the Dhamma 8. The Journey to Rajagaha  9. The Buddha’s Mission at Magathi, 10. The Journey to Kapilavastu, 11. The Journey to Kosala, 13. The Background of Dhamma-Vinaya

5. Hours of Studying

TheoryPracticalSelf-StudyAdditional Teaching
45 hoursNone6 hours per weekyes

6. Learning Structure

The instruction will be conducted in both traditional classroom settings and online through social networks.

7. Learning Method

(1) Lectures will cover relevant knowledge about the historical context related to the Buddha’s origin and the relevant context of the Buddha. Example of historical events or incidents related to the Buddha’s biography will be provided.

(2) Activities and learning tasks will be organized to facilitate learning, including group reports and class discussions.

8. Evaluation and Grading

(1) The evaluation will be conducted through tests, written assignments, observations, group discussions, and interviews. The assessment methods will also include written examinations.

(2) Attendance in each subject must not be less than 80% of the total class hours.

(3) Assessment of learning outcomes in each subject will include a grade and a grade point. The minimum passing grade for each subject is S as follows:


9. Learning Outcome

In-depth knowledge and understanding of the core content of the History of Buddha, including fundamental principles and important theories, applicable to daily life.

  • Acquire knowledge and understanding of Buddhist History.
  • Enable to apply the Buddhist teaching from Buddha’s History in daily life.
  • Enable to explain general background and history of Buddhism to others.

Learning Content

WeekSubject / DescriptionHourTeaching MethodInstructor
1Introduction to the Course and Teaching Methods for the “History of Buddha”
– Introduction to the Course “History of Buddha”
– Course Outline and Teaching Methods for “History of Buddha”
Chapter 1: Indian Subcontinent and Its people
1.1 Indian Subcontinent
1.2 Ethnicities Residing in the Indian
1.3 Divisions of the Indian Subcontinent
1.4 16 Major Regions
1.5 Social Castes
1.6 Different Faith
1.7 Original Religions  
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
2Chapter: 2 Sakya Clan and Sakyans
2.1 Sakya Clan
2.2 The City of Kapilavatthu
2.3 Clans and Lineages
2.4 Governance
2.5 Pedigree of Sakyan
2.6 Relatives of The Buddha
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
3Chapter 3: Buddha’s Birth
3.1 Characteristics of the Great Man
3.2 Day of Enlightenment
3.3 Day of Birth
3.4 Seven Treasures  
3.5 Seven Miracles
3.6 After birth, lived for 3 days
3.7 After birth, lived for 5 days
3.8 After birth, lived for 7 days
3.9 After birth, lived for 29 days  
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
4Chapter 4: Renunciation
4.1 Renunciation
4.2 Eight Necessities
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
5Chapter 5: Enlightenment
5.1 The Visit of King Pimpisara
5.2 Studied with Uddaka Ramaputta
5.3 Tring the ascetic Practices
5.4 Tree figurations
5.5 The Five Disciples left The Great
5.6 Events before Enlightenment
5.7 Overcoming Mara with the Ten Perfections
5.8 Attaining the Threefold Knowledge
5.9 Four Noble Truth
5.10 The Special Name
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
6Chapter 6: Liberated Happiness
6.1 Remained Liberation Happiness 7 weeks
6.2 The Brahma Asked to Deliver The Sermon
6.3 Giving The First Teaching to The Five Monks
6.4 First Sermon
6.5 Ehi Bhikkhu Upasampada (The First Type of Ordination)
6.6 Anatta-lakkhana Sutta: The Discourse on The Not-self Characteristics
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
7Chapter 7: Sending the Disciples to spread the Dhamma
7.1 Instructing Yasa
7.2 Anupuphiktha (gradual instruction)
7.3 The First Male Devotee
7.4 The First Female Devotee
7.5 54 Yasa’s Friends Ordination
7.6 The First 61 Buddhist Missionaries
7.7 The Ordination by the Threefold declaration of Taking Refuge
7.8 The Thirty Rich Young Companions.
7.9 Three Jatilas  
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
8Chapter 8: Going forth to Rajagaha
8.1 Bimbisara and Twelve Myriads of Magadha Brahmanas and Householders
8.2 Magadha King Seniy Bimbisara’s Five Wishes
8.3 The First Buddhist Monastery
8.4 The Ordination of The Two Chief Disciples
8.5 The Two Chief Disciples were enlightened.
8.6 The simile of two chief disciples 
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
9Chapter 9: The Buddha’s mission at Magathi
9.1 Venrable Maha Kassapa
9.2 The Three Admonitions of The Buddha
9.3 Three Different Types of Ordination
9.4 6 Directions
9.5 Making Offering to Gods
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
10Chapter 10:  The Journey to Kapilavastu
10.1   Instruct His Relatives
10.2   Magic Rain
10.3   King Suddhodana’s Attainment of Arahanthood
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
11Chapter 11: The Journey to Kosala Kingdom
11.1   Anathapindika
11.2  Jetavana Monastery  
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut               

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero

3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho 

4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
12Chapter 12: Parinirvana
12.1 Spent The Rainy Season Sheltered at Weluwana
12.2 The Power of Itthibatha 4
12.3 The Buddha Relinquished His Will to Live
12.4 Eight Causes of Earthquake
12.5 The Journey to the Great Forest
12.6 Going to The Gabled House
12.7 The Journey to Pava City
12.8 Santiviharadham
12.9 Two offering of Food
12.10 The lion’s Posture
12.11 Venerable Upavana
12.12 Four Places for Pilgrimage
12.13 How Monks Should Conduct Towards Women
12.14 How to Act Respecting The Body of The Buddha
12.15 Persons Worthy of A Stupa or Monument
12.16 Instructing for Ananda
12.17 Kusinara
12.18 The Announcement of Parinibbana
12.19 The Last Disciple
12.20 Peaching for Bhikkhus  
12.21 Final Exhortation
12.22 Paribibbana
12.23 The World’s Echo
12.24 Makuta-bandhana, The Cetiya of The Mallas
12.25 Homage to The Remains
12.26 The Remain Relices
12.27 Partition of  The Relices
12.28 Four Kind of Stupa
12.29 The Reasons to Attain Parinibbana at Kusinara
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho                
4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
13Chapter 13: The Background of Dhamma-Vinaya
13.1 Addressing of Buddhist Council
13.2   1st Buddhist Council
13.3   2nd Buddhist Council
13.4   3rd Buddhist Council
13.5   4th Buddhist Council
13.6   5th Buddhist Council
13.7   The Benefits of Buddhist Council
1.30 hrsLecture & Discussion1. Assoc. Trof. Dr. Phrakru Pavitvaranuyut                

2. Phra Somboon Thanaveero                
3. Dr. Pissit Kotrasopho

4. Dr. Detcha Talanuk
Final Examination