
Dhamma Study Certificate Program

for Elementary Level

Course Title: Dhamma

Dhamma Study Project (Nakdhamma) for General Public

is organized by The Chiang Mai Sangha Council, Thailand

1. Instructor

Phra Narongchai Thanajayo, Ph.D.  

2. Class Room & Meeting Time

3. Learning Objective

  1. For the development of faith toward the Triple Gems.
  2. For the understanding of Buddhism and various Dhamma principles.
  3. For the strengthen of the right view and ways to live good life according to Buddhism.
  4. For the understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a good Buddhist.
  5. For the cultivation of the Dhamma learning habit and practice the Dhamma on a daily basis.

4. Course Description

Study various Dhamma subjects selected from Tipitaka organizing in grouped manner: group 2 (Duka), Group 3 (Tika), Group 4 (Catukka), Group 5 (Pancaka), Group 6 (Chakka), Group 7 (Sattaka), Group 8 (Atthaka), Group 9 (Navaka), Group 10 (Dasaka). These selected dhamma subjects are highly valued for those who seek for wisdom to live a sustainable happy life suitable for both monks and laypeople namely- The Four Noble Truths, Wholesome and Unwholesome Deeds, Ten Bases of Meritorious Action, Seven Virtues of a good man etc.

5. Hours of Studying (45 Hrs in Total, 15 lectures)

TheorySelf-StudyPracticeAdditional Class
22.30 Hrs22.30 Hrs

 6. Learning Structure

In class and via zoom program
Sunday 15.00 – 16.30

7. Learning Method

  1. Student should participate in all provided lectures.
  2. Self-study is recommended through other relevant resources.

8. Assessment  and Grading

  1. Course completion is evaluated based on the result of the final examination.
  2. Students must attend at lease 80 percent of the total class hours.
  3. Grading system is described below:
ResultScoreGrade Levels

9. Learning Outcome

  1. Knowing and understanding thoroughly of the Dhamma principles and theories and able to apply them into one’s own lifestyle.
  2. Knowing and understanding of the processes and ways to practice of Dhamma and able to apply them in contemporary society.
  3. Able to propagate the teachings of the Buddha and increase sustainable Buddhist followers.

Learning Content

WeekSubject / DescriptionHourHand outVDO
1  – Introduction to Dhamma Subject/Learning Scheme /Evaluation
Session1: Duka-Group 2
1.1 Virtues of Great Assistance
1.2 Virtues that Protect the World
1.3 Gracing Virtues
1.4 The Rare Persons
1.30 hrs  Lecture01 VDO1
2  Session 2: Tika-Group 3/1
2.1 The Triple Gems
2.2 The Admonitions of the Buddha
2.3 The Evil & Good Conducts
1.30 hrs  Lecture02VDO2
3  Session 3: Tika-Group 3/2
3.1 Merit Concept
3.2 Demrit Concept
3.3 Three Bases of Meritorious Action (Punnakiriyavatthu)
1.30 hrs  Lecture03VDO3
4  Session 4: Tika-Group 3/3
4.1 The Unfailing Practice
4.2 The Three Marks of Existence  
1.30 hrs  Lecture04VDO4
5  Session 5: Catuka-Group 4/1
5.1 Virtues Conducive to Growth (Vuddhi)
5.2 Virtues Wheeling one to Prosperity (Cakka)
5.3 Four Prejudices
1.30 hrs  Lecture05VDO5
6  Session 6: Catuka-Group 4/2
6.1 Heedfulness (appamada)LL
6.2 Right Effort (Padhana)
6.3 Virtues which should be established in the mind (Adhitthanadhamma)  
1.30 hrs  Lecture06VDO6
7  Session 7: Catuka-Group 4/3
7.1 Four Parts of accomplishment (Iddhipada)
7.2 Four Noble Sentiments (Brahmavihara)
7.3 Four Protective Meditations(Arakkhakammatthana)d
1.30 hrs  Lecture07VDO7
8  Session 8: Catuka-Group 4/4
8.1 Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Satippatthanana)
8.2 Four Meditations of elements (Dhatukammatthana)
8.3 The Four Noble Truths (Ariyasacca)
1.30 hrs  Lecture08VDO8
9  Session 9: Pancaka-Group 5/1
9.1 Five Immediacy Deeds
9.2 Five ideas to be regularly reviewed (Abhinhapaccavekkhana)
9.3 Benefits of Listening to Dhamma
9.4 Five Hindrances
9.5 Five Qualities of new monks
1.30 hrs  Lecture09VDO9
10  Session 10: Pancaka-Group 5/2
10.1 Five Dhammas which make self-conficence
10.2 The Five Powers (Panca Bala)
10.2 The Five Aggregates (Panca Khandha)
1.30 hrs  Lecture10VDO10
11  Session 11: Chakka-Group 6
11.1 The Six Reverences
11.2 Virtues for Fraternal Living (Saramiyadhamma)
11.3 Internal and external sense fields
11.4 The Six Vinnana
1.30 hrs  Lecture11VDO11
12  Session 12: Sattaka-Group 7
12.1 Seven Aparihaniyadhamma
12.2 Seven Virtues of good man (Sappurisadhamma)
12.3 Seven factors of enlightenment (Bojjhanga)
1.30 hrs  Lecture12VDO12
13  Session 13: Atthaka-Group 8
13.1 Eight Worldly Conditions (Lokadhamma)
13.2 The Noble Eightfold PatL
1.30 hrs  Lecture13VDO13
 14  Session 14: Dasaka-Group 10
14.1 Nine Stains (Mala)
14.2 Ten Wholesome Actions (kusalakamma)
14.3 Ten Unwholesome Actions (akusakamma)
14.4 Ten Objects of Regular Reflection (Anussati)L
1.30 hrs  Lecture14VDO14
 15  Session 15: Gihipatipati Catukka
15.1 Ditthadhammikatthapayojana
15.2 Samparayikatthapayojana
15.3 Gharavasa-Dhamma
1.30 hrs  Lecture15VDO15
 Final Examination:

10. References

  1. Dhamma Studies for Elementary level handbook, Mahamakutrajvidyalaya
  2. Navakovada